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NAT type micron diamond

Natural diamond, precision size range.

Appearance :

NAT diamond is white to light gray and beige.

NAT type micron diamond

Particle structure :

NAT diamond has a monocrystalline particle structure, created by high pressures and temperatures underground. Like synthetic monocrystalline diamond, it features major cleavage planes, which are oriented parallel to the optical axis. Natural diamond particles break relatively easy parallel to the cleavage planes.

Characteristics :

NAT diamond is precision graded and has a blocky, sharp-edged particle shape. It is free of catalyst metals, which makes it the preferred choice for plated tools and other applications requiring maximum cleanliness. Natural diamond is also used in lapping and polishing processes with special requirements.

Typical applications :

Tools and surface applications:
 plated diamond tools
 grinding wheels
 dental tools

Lapping and polishing of:

 wire drawing dies
 special applications